Archive for July, 2008

Online Shop

Posted: July 30, 2008 in Ama Time
After helping some online friends to buy some products (especially children toys and cloths), Ama was finally persuaded to open an online shop..


Please drop by to browse through these ‘limited’ goods for sale – only while stocks last! 


Jern Sarn Goes Gardening

Posted: July 29, 2008 in The Kids

En route to the ‘new’ backyard garden, the Twins set out with their ‘trolley’ of tools and organic material to tend to their plants.

One pull in front and the other pushes the back and make sure that the trolley contents don’t fall off.

P.S. trolley prepared by Ama at the Twins request.


Posted: July 23, 2008 in The Kids

After 5 months of watering twice a day and surveying enthusiastically, the Kid’s sunflower plant had finally bloomed!!

To protect it, they forbade the neighbour’s kids and eve each other from going too close to it…

Very excited!