Archive for June, 2008

Anggugu Mommy Meet V

Posted: June 29, 2008 in Family & Friends

So the Family went to the 1st Anniversary Party of at Hartamas Shopping Complex.

The meet was at Kid Zone.

Over 100 people showed up including husbands and maids.

The Kids had a great time playing in the special playground and there was even a cake for Anggugu’s ‘Birthday’ (with candle)!

Open Day

Posted: June 28, 2008 in Family Time

So Aba and Ama went to get May’s report card from the Kindy.

It’s the 1st time for May and also for Aba and Ama as parents.

And… May got As in almost everything!

The only thing May get a ‘C’ (ie Average) was in listening and getting words (English).


The Kindy displayed the pupils handicrafts at the ‘Open Day’ too.

There were grouped into 1: like a supermarket retail counter and an ‘animal table’.



The Family had lunch after, at the Ampang Yong Tao Foo.

And then it was off to the Nickeledeon Fair in… Cyberjaya!

Supar far! And when we got there, super hot!

The Kids played a few of the usual fair ‘games’ and took pictures with Dora!


Aba treated the Kids to ice cream and soda before going off.

Ama took the Kids and Apo afterwards to se great grandma who was hospitalised, before everyone went home.

Kindy Birthday Party

Posted: June 27, 2008 in The Kids

May’s kindy had a special ‘party’ to celebrate the birthday of all the pupils born between January to June, today.

Ama’s contribution – 40 cupcakes, that took 3hrs to make, for the pupils and teachers.